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Sword's End r/roguelikedev 2

Unnamed Cursed Sword RL #2 #

originally posted on Reddit in the r/roguelikedev subreddit

Hello again! I finished off most of my Selector work, upscaled existing art (there's not much yet) from 8_8 to 16_16, and cleaned up a lot of movement code - there's step (4-directional, distance 1), dash(any square within 4 single steps), blink (any square within 5 steps, line of sight not needed, can blink through walls) and knight (l-shape, like a knight from chess).

Every character will have step I think, but many will have unique locomotion skills or traits, so it seemed worth tackling the handful of implementation differences I know I'll need.

I'll try to make sure I have some visuals for next time, and will link to them. Hoping to get started on ability UI and AI entities shortly.